The Idaho Community Foundation currently stewards over $251 million in assets (as of December 31, 2023), including more than 700 different charitable giving funds created by individuals, families, businesses and nonprofits.
Endowed funds are invested to grow over time to maximize their charitable power.
This graphic displays the "Target Asset Allocation" and "Rate of Return" for endowed investments. The Target Asset Allocation is divided into 40% for US Equity (green), 30% for International Equity (blue), 20% for US Fixed Income (purple), 10% for Real Estate Securities (red), and 0% for Supplemental. The Rate of Return line chart shows the 10-Year average rate of return as relatively steady, ranging from 9.5% in 2019 to 7.0% in 2023. The annual return, however, shows significant fluctuation, peaking at 21.4% in 2019, dropping to -16.7% in 2022, and recovering to 16.6% in 2023.
Non-endowed funds are invested for shorter-term growth. You can contribute additional assets to your fund at any time.
This graphic titled "Non-endowed Cash and Investments" shows Target Asset Allocations and Rates of Return. The Target Asset Allocations are visualized in concentric circles, representing various investment strategies. These include Social Index with 20% Bonds and 80% Equity, Growth with 40% Bonds and 60% Equity, Moderate Growth with 60% Bonds and 40% Equity, Conservative Growth with 80% Bonds and 20% Equity, Income with 100% Bonds, and Short with 100% Money Market. The Rates of Return are displayed in a bar chart for each investment strategy, comparing annual 2023 returns with historical time horizon averages. Social Index had the highest return in 2023 at 31.8%, followed by Growth at 18.5%, and Moderate Growth at 15.5%. Conservative Growth, Income, and Short follow with 12.5%, 9.5%, and 5.1% respectively, while Income shows a negative 1.3% return over a 3-year time horizon.